How to get to Kiel

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Kiel is located at the Baltic Sea Coast about 100 km north of Hamburg, Germany's second-largest city.
You can travel to Kiel:

• by train:
There is a frequent train service from many destinations to Kiel central station operated by Deutsche Bahn.

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• by plane:
The nearest international airport is located in Hamburg. There is an hourly bus service ("Kielius") from Hamburg airport to Kiel central station as well a regular minibus service ("Kiel-Exx") which can take you to any destination within the city.

get timetable information and tickets for Kielius bus service

get timetable information for Kiel-Exx minibus service (page in German)

bus stop: between Terminal 1 and Terminal 2. It takes about an hour (with KielExx, approx. 1:30 h with Kielius) to get to Kiel.

• by bus:
There are regular bus connections from Kiel to various cities all over Germany.

get timetable information

• by ferry:
The port of Kiel is located in the city center. There are daily overnight connections to Oslo (Norway), Gothenburg (Sweden) and Klaipeda (Lithuania).

get information and tickets on ColorLine to Oslo

get information and tickets on StenaLine to Gothenburg

get information and tickets on DFDS Seaways to Klaipeda

• by car:
Kiel is connected to the German highway / autobahn network (A7 / A215 / A210).
Driving distances to various cities:

How to get from your hotel to the venue

There is a frequent regular bus service between Kiel central station and the university. Buses leave approximately every 5 to 10 minutes, taking about 20 minutes to the destination. You can use any of the following bus lines: 60S (express service), 61, 62, 81, 91 or 92. Buses are operated by KVG.

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