Collaborative Research Center (SFB) 677
Function by Switching


November 2016

Two new SFB677 video podcasts online

This video deals with the synthesis of functional or “smart”polymers at the WG Staubitz. These interesting polymers respond to an external stimulus by changing their properties reversibly. Stimuli can be for example light or mechanical force. Such polymers can be used for interesting applications, which are investigated within the Collaborative Research Center 677, which is called “Function by switching”, at Kiel University.

This applied research is part of the second movie "Nanoscale switches for memorizing polymers" of the WG Adelung. The obtained "smart" polymers are used to indicate mechanical stress. In this way the failure of composite materials can be predicted.

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December 2015

New SFB677 video podcast online: "Ultrafast Molecular Switches Caught in the Act"

Photochemically driven molecular switches are extremely fast: Typically, the switching movement is finished in just 1 picosecond (10‑12 s). To understand molecular switching mechanisms, it is therefore necessary to observe them on a time scale of femtoseconds (10‑15 s). Experimentally, this can be done with modern methods of ultrafast spectroscopy, as applied in the working group of Professor Friedrich Temps. In a complementary approach, the molecular switching dynamics is simulated theoretically in the working group of Professor Bernd Hartke.

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February 2014

Third Podcast online: "Molecules as Nanomachines"

In Prof. Berndt's workgroup in SFB 677 at the CAU Kiel, scientists are interested in the physical properties of single switchable molecules on surfaces.

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October 2013

Beilstein-TV Reports on "Record Player Molecules"

A new episode from Beilstein TV reports on the development of switchable contrast agents for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in the workgroup of Prof. R. Herges.

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February 2013

Second podcast online: "Joining the unjoinable"

In the SFB's second research podcast, scientists from the workgroups of Prof. Adelung and Prof. Staubitz present their collaborative project "joining the unjoinable".

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September 2012

Beilstein-TV Reports on "Sweet Switches"

A new podcast from Beilstein TV reports on the research on cell adhesion from the workgroup of Prof. Dr. R. Lindhorst.

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August 2012

Beilstein-TV Reports on Molecular Switches from SFB 677

A new podcast from Beilstein TV reports on the design, synthesis and characterization of new molecular switches from the workgroup of Prof. Dr. R. Herges.

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July 2012

Video Clip Receives Award at Nanospots Film Festival

According to the jury, this film is “catchy with respect to both humour and didactics”. The video clip “Vijay and the switches” was awarded the third prize in the first nanospots film festival in Halle, Germany.

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July 2012

First Podcast online: “Glycocalyx – an undiscovered organelle”

Switchable cell adhesion is one of the research topics of the research group of Thisbe Lindhorst. The group presents their work in the first CRC 677 science podcast.

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